Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why I am juicing...part 2

So, I pretty much ended my last post with lol. Yes, LAUGHING OUT LOUD. It was more of an INSANE laugh. You could have found me, cackling away like a crazy old crone (looking very much like one too), muttering oh, so today this is my diagnosis, but just 3 weeks ago it was different and 6 weeks ago it was something else.

Let's see, I was told I had Chronic Moderate Gastritis, IBS, the beginning signs of Celiacs Disease, and Acute Severe Anemia. Oh, and the tests, and the test preps and the being poked and being prodded. Yes, prodded....PRODDED people....albeit under sedation...well, that was just wicked and wrong on soooo many levels.

This is a pretty sexy story huh!

I was not a happy camper! So, after yet another trip to my Dr., my iron levels had been tested again. Again, they said, you are anemic, (yes, tell me something I DON'T know) here are some prescription strength iron pills to take, they will however upset, your ALREADY EXTREMELY upset stomach, so take at your own discretion. I had my blood drawn in the lab before I left. No one told me anything. Weeks pass and I get a call from the Dr. office, you need to have an iron infusion. We have been trying to get a hold of you. Your iron level is REALLY LOW. Call to make your appointment for your infusion. No, major alarm in her voice, just a gentle, get in there as soon as you can.

My daughter was about to start a 3 day run for a play and of course, not wanting to disrupt that....I uhhh.....decided to wait. I thought, well...what could happen in 3 days? Three days later, I was there getting my IV for my iron infusion...with a major migraine. I took my migraine meds and was talking to the nurse. As he is talking to me, my migraine full force, he know your iron was so low....YOU COULD HAVE HAD A HEART ATTACK! Mentally, I was like WTF?!?!

Again, we end with to be continued...this is a saga...please return for the next installment of As Her Tummy Twists &Turns.

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