Thursday, December 20, 2012

Juice fast day 5

                         ****Me duele el pinche estomago!***

Yesterday for my meal, I took the kids to Miguel's. The kids love their bean and cheese burritos and I figured a burrito with shredded beef, cheese and potato couldn't do THAT much damage. I mean, I HAVE been feeling pretty good. I thought the beef would do me good since I can tell by the way I have been feeling that my iron levels are once again, very low. So, I ate the burrito. I almost ate half of it and felt good...yay! I know the tortilla had gluten, but I didn't eat the whole thing! I had my green juice the rest of the day.

 Later, the hubby offered me a bite of his bacon, lettuce, tomato, ham and mayo sandwich. So, I took a bite....all the things I love are in this sandwich! Ugh, immediately, I felt sick...nausea, pain in my back in between my shoulder blades, tummy spasms. No bueno!

Now, I guess, I could say serves me right. I know gluten is the enemy...or at least MY enemy...but sometimes the pain is worth the indulgence. Not yesterday. I HAD BEEN HAVING SUCH A GOOD RUN! You evil, sadistic stomach can't even give this lil latina a break for the holidays? You are soooo getting coal in YOUR stocking!!

For tomorrow, I am gonna try and change things up with the juicing. Gonna look in my juicing book...see what I can find!

I know the pic is sideways but it was huge when I turned it the other way. I am still learning. Don't mind the meds in the back, those pertain to a post I am getting ready for later. Just thought I would show you the book I get my juicing recipes from. You look up your ailments and find a juice to help you...I love this book. Plus, I scour the internet and of course Pinterest when I want to change things up!

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