Tuesday, December 18, 2012

End of Day 3~Epic FAIL

Yes, friends...I hang my head in shame. I however have a slight grin on my face as I do so...hehehehe! Here is the thing, I was blessed by a visit from family yesterday evening. They were so absolutely gracious and kind enough, that when they visited my favorite restaurant, they brought me food! I also got a delicious candy apple. They thought of meeeee! What sweethearts! Now, I couldn't be all RUDE and refuse these gifts by saying, no thank you, I am on a juice fast. I may be many things, but rude is not one of them! Well, at least I try my best not to be, and NEVER on purpose, except and unless....well.....look, I am a work in progress, what can I say! The POINT is: I ATE THE FOOD DAMMIT! Bright side? I only ate a few spoonfuls of each dish and had a couple of slices of the manzana (apple). Lol, I can be Dora the Explorer for adults. It wasn't covered in chocolate, just a thin candy coating.

Thanks to my familia, for being so sweet as to bring me treats and clarifying something for me! Complete juice fast, NOT for me! I have done juicing and one meal and that worked well for me. THAT, is the plan I will be reverting to....beginning, last night! Lol :)

 As, I have mentioned before, I have these pesky little critters roaming around. (aka my children...tehee!) I have grown quite fond of them and THEY are quite hooked on consuming food. IMAGINE??? The NERVE of these guys! So anyhow, I find that my major challenge comes around dinner time, when I need to test the dish I am making. Plus we are more likely to sit down as a family, and I would rather them not see Mommy's chair empty.

So, new plan.....Modified juice fast, juices for snacks and 2 meals and 1 meal (most likely dinner) that is not from a blender or juice extractor.

Because sometimes, ya just gotta go with the flow. Time to drink something green....let's get it started....DIA 4, DAY 4!!!!

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