Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why I am juicing

You sure you wanna stick around for this? Basic answer....IT MAKES YOU FEEL AWESOME!

But, that isn't how it all started. There WAS a catalyst and NOT a pleasant one!

It started years ago when I had my last child, a beautiful baby girl. After I had her, I noticed that I was getting these horrible stomach aches. They were excruciating! I am not trying to be dramatic...seriously! I would get a couple of bad tummy aches every year and just thought, I must have eaten something bad. Well, things started getting worse and the frequency of these stomach issues increased. Still, I suffered through them.

 I have suffered with migraines since I was a teen and know how to deal with pain. I labored with my first child without an epidural, then after 4 hours of pushing and trying to get that guy OUT, (even using this suction contraption, that left him with a cone shaped head, didn't help) I ended up with a C~Section. Mind you, I waited on that operating room table, in full blown labor, STILL WITHOUT AN EPIDURAL, while some other guy who had cut his finger was waiting for his Dr. to make it to the O.R.. I was told that if his Dr. arrived before mine did, I would have to wait for that to be over, before my C~Section would be performed and there would be no epidural until surgery time. Lucky me, or lucky them...MY DR. SHOWED UP FIRST! After, being home with my son, I took the meds they gave me very sparingly, because I had plans on nursing. POINT? Yes, I have one...it is I can handle me some pain. I am not a whiner or a screamer...I thank God for this strength.

Fast forward to just over a year ago when these stomach aches, became more like "tummy attacks"! They were so frequent and debilitating. I was feeling depressed and just...well....sickly! I was so sick, so often, I DID begin to whine. I hated hearing myself being so weak! I became depressed! What was happening to me???? I barely had the energy to take my kids to school and pick them up. I was forgetting things left and right and was often up all night with stomach issues....it was horrible. Finally, I decided to go to the Dr. for help...lol.

...........to be continued

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