Friday, January 25, 2013


Do you ever have one of those days where you just wanna climb into bed and have the world stop, so you could gather yourself together. I do! I am having one...right now! I have to go to the store to get some things, but who wants to go out in the rain? Not me! Plus, my belly has been aching for the last week. Yes, a whole week! It started last Thursday...major....major PAIN!!!! Norco, you are no match for this are so ill equipped to handle what I got going on! Yes, I take you thinking that all the brujaja that the doctors make about taking such a strong and powerful dangerously addictive drug means you can in fact handle the job and relieve me of the are a joke! You are painted out to be the Iron Man of a pain killers, when in fact you are his thrice removed goofy wanna be cousin Blankman. Norco, you are FIRED!

Anyways, thank GOD, I only get pains like that every 6-8 weeks.  It is just a jolt of reality, after having felt HALF WAY decent since Thanksgiving. But, the show must go on and it shall. I gotta get this house cleaned, go buy some lashes, nails, eyeliner, bobby pins, hairspray....hmmm....whatever else I need to transform myself from looking like I have been feeling (which looks pretty similar to this character above) to someone halfway presentable. Where is my fairy Godmother when I need her????

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